Ever since I was a kid, my mom kept telling me not to be so Wagamama (わがまま). As recent as last week, I was talking to her on the phone and yet again she used that word on me.

So I wonder, is being wagamama so bad?

First of all, lets see what "wagamama" actually means.

A quick internet search brought me to this page


according to it, wagamama is 自分の思いどおりに振る舞うこと。また、そのさま。気まま。ほしいまま。自分勝手。

basically it means someone who wants to do whatever he/she wants. Someone who acts the way he/she feels like. (Can also be used to describe someone who is selfish).

so am I a "wagamama" guy?

I have a certain "vision" to things that I care about. Some people may think "why don't you just compromise" but that is just the way I am. I like things to be done in certain ways and I want to live the way I want to live.

I am not sure if because of this people tend to think I have high (or weird) standard and I complain too much. I guess I should take actions and do something about the things I don't like instead of just keep complaining but that is another story.

Like the song sang by Lenny Kravitz "Are you gonna go my way" !!